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DEVOTED School of Leadership for Growing Christians 2025

And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship,

to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul… 

Acts 2:42,43

Thank you for prayerfully considering being a part of the Devoted School of Leadership 2025.  We believe this investment you make in your own spiritual growth will exponentially grow your ability to lead well in every area of life.  Below you will find a brief explanation of what DEVOTED is about and how to apply to the program.


The Vision

DEVOTED is a training experience that seeks to build transformational leaders for the local church and for greater impact in the kingdom of God.  We need leaders equipped to serve in the home, workplace, church, and community.  As part of the CVA (Credit Valley Association), this inter-church Leadership School is a mixture of Biblical teaching, mentoring, hands on training and personal skills development.  It is a training program that can be adapted to churches of any size: small, medium, and large.  While the core courses can be learned in various settings, the key training and leadership formation happens at the local church level.


The School of Leadership is aimed at growing local church leaders, such as Elders, Deacons, Missional Community Leaders, Key Ministry Leaders, Small Group Leaders etc.  While DEVOTED issues certificates for graduates, it is not meant to replace Seminaries or Bible Colleges.  The goal of DEVOTED is to raise up more leaders and better leaders for every sphere of life.


The world needs more leaders.  Godly leaders are needed in our homes, churches, workplaces, and communities.  We believe Christian leadership makes a difference.  We want to help you be all God created you to become.


What sets DEVOTED apart from other learning environments?

Two Strategic Features of the DEVOTED Experience

1.    Competency Based Education

CBE aims to equip leaders with Biblical knowledge and practical life changing ministry skills.  Through the designation of measurable learning outcomes, the student will achieve an understanding and competency to lead as a transformational Christian, making disciples in whatever environment God places them.  The courses will be a mix of in class learning, self study, and local church involvement.  A portion of the education will occur on the students own schedule and availability, making learning more flexible for each person.


2.    Personal Mentoring for all Participants

Every student will be partnered with a mentor of their own choosing during their experience with DEVOTED.  Trained, qualified mentors will walk alongside each participant to encourage and help them enjoy their learning journey.  These Personal Mentors will themselves be mentored by a Team Leader, so that each participant grows to be all God desires them to be.  No one will walk alone.  Each participant will need to find their own mentor for this program.     



DEVOTED School of Leadership Application


We are excited you are considering this great investment in your personal leadership journey.  This course is for every growing follower of Jesus, no matter what age or stage of your Christian life.  The School of Leadership is designed to educate, equip, and empower people to lead in whatever context God calls you.


We believe you will increase your knowledge of the Bible and deepen your relationship with God.  You will develop practical leadership skills, impacting your community and beyond.  You will also meet great people who will grow together with you.  Therefore, we ask for some information and a few specific commitments from all participants to ensure you get the most from your experience with us.


Please complete online or Print and Submit by December 20th, 2024 to Pastor Jim DeMarsh, Milton Bible Church, 121 Chisholm Drive, Milton Ontario L9T4A6.

Thank you for applying to the DEVOTED School of leadership.  After your application has been reviewed, you will be contacted for payment and registration information.


We look forward to having you in our learning community!!



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